Monday, October 30, 2006

Who is the one and only?

Life's a bitch then you fond out that you have to work for a living. New job started today, it was sort of like BLAH. That's pretty much all I heard all day. I like to think that I'm a quick learner however in this case I think I'm going to be shown that I'm actually pretty slow. Tomorrow's another day towards the final goal tho, time will tell as they say. Contemplating whether to tell them of my adventure on 27th December, but will they sack me is the question? and I think the answer will probably be yes. So therefore when the time comes for my adventure, I might just unexpectably quit. PLAN OF ACTION.

I need to make some time in my busy social life to go to Manchester and visit the girlies, however this is proving hard as everybodies life plans clash in typical fashion. So I think I will leave it for a while. See where time takes me.

Halloween tomorrow, and the night before my brothers 18th, it crazy how fast he has grown up, I still think that I'm 18, maybe I should actually get to grips with the fact that I am not, the only place that my age is going to be an advantage is on my adventure, because the fact I can drink beer is always a positive in my mind. So my holloween plans were to walk the cat dressed as a pumpkin, I've now been put off the idea because the cat is regarded as a terrorist, and I think he WOULD terrorize the children, the BRUTE.

The whole photography thing is winding me up at the moment because I still haven't bought a camera and I wanted to go to Blackpool to take photos of lights and tack, but without a camera that is pretty hard, and hmmm the lights go off in 4 days, buggared is the word. I might go to some other beach maybe actually go and visit my friend in Brighton, I like the thought of that.

The sky's the limit as they say!


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